Sony Entertainment has already announced the 10th season of the popular reality show India’s Got Talent. It is the best stage for people to show their talents to the world. This season, Shilpa Shetty, Manoj Muntashir, Badshah, and Kiran Kher are going to judge the reality show. People interested in participating in this show need to register their names online. Here is the guide to register for the upcoming season of India’s Got Talent.
Eligibility Criteria
Before going through the registration process, you must go through the eligibility criteria of the show. Here are the criteria that one needs to meet.
- The intended participant should have citizenship of India.
- There is no age limit. So people from different age groups can apply. However, contestants need to have valid age proof.
- When coming for the audition, contestants are required to bring a video of their talents with them.
- Contestants must intend to fit the particular format of the show.
- The intended contestants should not have any past criminal records.
India’s Got Talent Season 10 Registration
There are different processes that can be followed to register your names for the show. Intended participants can also register using their email IDs by sharing the details and videos of their talents on the show’s official site.
However, the easiest way to register for the upcoming season is through the Sonyliv application and the website. Here are the steps mentioned below
- Candidates need to find the registration link on the homepage of the official website-
- Once you find the registration link, enter your details and the audition video to complete the registration process.
Note– Remember that the size of the video must be below 50 MB. The accepted video formats are Avi, MP4, MPG, or MOV.
Intended candidates can also register through sms by sending their performance video via MMS. You can also send the message IGT to 56882.
After the registration
Once the registration is done, the organizers will give you a call if your video audition clip gets selected. Next, you have to go for the live audition that will be held in the cities like Delhi, Patna, Mumbai, Kolkata, Gujrat, Hyderabad, Chandigarh, and Bangalore.
Documents needed
When you go for the live audition in your city, you need to carry some documents with you.
Here we have mentioned the documents that you will need to carry while going for the audition.
- Address Proof,
- Birth Certificate / Proof of DOB,
- ID Cards( Voter Card, Aadhar Card, Passport, Driving License etc are accepted)
- Other Extracurricular Certificate (if you have any)
The process of registering yourself for the upcoming season of India’s Got Talent is quite easy. However, if you have any confusion, you can always check the official website of India’s Got Talent for all the details regarding the registration process as well as the auditions.
I ll show my singing