This weekend, Indian Idol 13 had something special. With Episode 27 being celebrated as “Love Special”, we saw Genelia D’Souza and Riteish Deshmukh on the sets. The Episode 28 “Celebrating Dream Girl” of Indian Idol 2022 had Hema Malini add sparkle to the show.
With some great performances this weekend, the fans knew it would be an elimination night. To everbody’s surprise, the most loved contestant on the show, Rishi Singh was found in the Bottom 3 contestants list as per the audience votes. Here is the bottom 3 list,
- Kavya Limaye
- Anushka Patra
- Rishi Singh
Who got Eliminated Today?
With a surprising bottom 3 contestants list above, we saw the lively and most animated contestant getting eliminated from the show. Anushka Patra got the lowest audience votes and was eliminated from Indian Idol season 13. Kavya and Rishi were safe and we asked to join the group.
This brings the competition down to top 10 contestants. Lets take a look at the top 10 contestants now,
Indian Idol 2022 Top 10 Contestants
After the shocking elimination, the top 10 contestants in the show are,
- Chirag Kotwal
- Sonakshi Kar
- Shivam Singh
- Vineet Singh
- Navdeep Wadali
- Bidipta Chakraborty
- Rishi Singh
- Debosmita Roy
- Senjuti Das
- Kavya Limaye
Keep voting for your favorite Indian Idol contestant and spread the love.
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