Antiques Roadshow is a British reality show that initially began as a BBC documentary in 1977. It was about an auction house in London that toured the West Country in England to appraise the antiques possessed by the local people. It then took the form of a reality show in 1979 and had since then been running successfully.
Running time | 60 minutes |
Production company | BBC Studios, Factual Entertainment Productions |
Fiona Bruce was the first to host this show, but there have been other hosts, too, including Angela Rippon, Arthur Negus, Hugh Scully, and Michael Aspel. Fiona again took over as a host in 2008 and has since been associated with the program. The show has completed 26 seasons and has received an IMDB rating of 7.3 on 10.
Antiques Roadshow: The Most Valuable Thing
The most valuable thing to ever appear on the show was featured on November 16, 2008. It was an original 1990s maquette (model of an unfinished sculpture) of the Angel of the North by Antony Gormley. It was owned by Gateshead Council and was valued at £1,000,000 by Philip Mould.
The 26th Season of this show began filming in the Wollaton Hall, Nottingham, and the other places that were included in this season were Brodie Castle and Estate in Morayshire, Sefton Park Palm House in Liverpool, Clissold Park, Stoke Newington in London, Powis Castle And Garden in Welshpool, Belmont House in Faversham and The Eden Project in Cornwall. The last show for this season ended on September 6, 2022.
When Can We Expect Season 27 of Antiques Roadshow?
The audience has since then been inquisitive about whether or not the show will be back for a new season. Till now, PBS hasn’t made any official announcement regarding the renewal of this show for Season 27. Although there is no news or update about a fresh season, viewers shouldn’t consider that the show has been canceled. It is possible that they will soon announce the scheduled date and are awaiting a good time to break the news to their audience.
Keep visiting our website to learn more about Antiques Roadshow and when they will renew for a new season.