Survivor is an American reality competition show that has been inspired by the Swedish series Expedition Robinson, which premiered in 1997. Survivor made its on-screen debut in the year 2000 on CBS. Since then, it has hosted several seasons and completed 45 seasons. The 45th season concluded just recently, in December 2023, and the makers are now set to premiere the 46th season of the show.
In the show, a group of strangers/participants are dropped off in a remote area, and in order to survive, they must provide for themselves with firewood, food, and shelter. The participants are divided into two or more tribes and in order to earn awards and immunity from elimination, the competitors engage in challenges that test their mental and physical skills, such as solving puzzles and endurance tests, or both. As the show moves ahead, contestants vote against each other to eliminate them from the show. Once a player is declared the Sole Survivor, they receive US$1,000,000 (the prize money varies sometimes) as a grand prize.
Since the show first premiered, it has been presented by Jeff Probst, who is also one of the executive producers of the show, along with Mark Burnett. Charlie Parsons is the brains behind this show’s creation (the original Swedish version from which Survivor has been inspired).
While the makers haven’t revealed the exact filming dates of the show, considering that its release date is very near, the shooting must likely have been done in June 2023. For the first 40 seasons, the survivors had to spend 40 days in the secluded jungle, but from Season 41 onwards, the days were reduced to 26. The filming of the show for this season was done in Fiji.
Survivor 46 will premiere on Wednesday, February 28, 2024. The first two episodes will have a longer run time, which will be from 8:00 to 10:00. After that, the episodes will be 90 minutes and last between 8:00 to 9:30. This change was instituted in Survivor 45 because of WGA and SAG-AFTRA strikes.
The makers haven’t given their audience any hint about the participants for this season. However, we do know that there will be 18 contestants who will battle against each other to win the title and grand prize.
Survivor season 46 will be telecast on CBS on Wednesday, February 28, 2024, from 8:00 PM onwards. For those who miss, episodes will be available the following day on the Paramount+ app. The show can also be streamed on the Global TV app the day after the episodes have been aired.
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