The action-packed anime series Kengan Ashura, caused a major stir when it first premiered on the streaming platform Netflix in 2019. The series introduces viewers to a world where commercial disagreements are resolved by choosing warriors to compete in lethal gladiatorial matches.
The martial arts anime series Kengan Ashura is renewed for season 3 and it is based on Yubako Sandrovich’s manga of the same name. Larks Entertainment, an animation studio, did a fantastic job bringing the manga characters to life.
Netflix released English dubbed 2 seasons of Kengan Ashura globally. Part 1 of the series had 12 episodes and was released in July 2019. Part 2 of the series had the remaining 12 episodes, which were released in October of the same year.
Keep reading to know more about the production status of Kengan Ashura, the Plot, Casting Details, and Why season 3 got delayed for almost more than 2 years.
The return of Kengan Ashura has been confirmed by Netflix Anime’s official Twitter account. Although no precise release date has been announced, it is believed that the Kengan Ashura Season 3 will release sometime in 2023.
The Kengan Ashura’s second season ended with Ohma facing Raian of the Kure clan in the second round of the Kengan Annihilation Tournament. Ohma first used the Advance to block Raian’s Removal technique, but after getting motivation from visions of his late mentor Niko, Ohma defeated Raian by employing his modified Niko Style.
Kengan Ashura Season 3 will pick right up from the third match of the second round, where Wakatsuki will be facing off against Julius. A contest that will feature the two most physically talented contestants in the competition. Season 3, however, will not end there; there will be twelve more terrible battles that will eventually decide who will win the Kengan Annihilation Tournament.
We don’t yet know the format or release date for Kengan Ashura: Season 3, but we do know that it will be one of the most anticipated anime releases of the year.
The list of voice actors for the show’s English dub can be seen below.
Kengan Ashura’s first and second season was released in 2019 and received positive response from the fans. Season 3 was initially scheduled to release in 2020 but due to the Covid-19 pandemic and lockdown, Kengan Ashura got postponed for almost 2 years.
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