Big Brother, the most entertaining competition reality show of America debuted in July, 2000. A group of contestants, also known as Houseguests, live together isolated from the outside world and fight for a cash prize of $500,000 or ($750,000 from season 23 onwards). The show has had 2 spin-offs so far, Big Brother: Over the Top (2016) and Celebrity Big Brother (2018).
Season 24, the ongoing season, will be seeing its Finale on 24th & 25th September and while we wait for its official winner announcement, lets look at the Big Brother winners and runner-ups across all seasons.
Lets look at all the winners, right from season 1 to season 24.
Season | No. of HouseGuests | Winner |
1 | 10 | Eddie McGee |
2 | 12 | Will Kirby |
3 | 12 | Lisa Donahue |
4 | 13 | Jun Song |
5 | 14 | Drew Daniel |
6 | 14 | Maggie Ausburn |
7 | 14 | Mike “Boogie” Malin |
8 | 14 | Dick Donato |
9 | 16 | Adam Jasinski |
10 | 13 | Dan Gheesling |
11 | 13 | Jordan Lloyd |
12 | 13 | Hayden Moss |
13 | 14 | Rachel Reilly |
14 | 16 | Ian Terry |
15 | 16 | Andy Herren |
16 | 16 | Derrick Levasseur |
17 | 17 | Steve Moses |
18 | 16 | Nicole Franzel |
OTT | 13 | Morgan Willett |
19 | 17 | Josh Martinez |
20 | 16 | Kaycee Clark |
21 | 16 | Jackson Michie |
22 | 16 | Cody Calafiore |
23 | 16 | Xavier Prather |
24 | 16 | Taylor Hale |
Season | Runner–up |
1 | Josh Souza |
2 | Nicole Schaffrich |
3 | Danielle Reyes |
4 | Alison Irwin |
5 | Michael Ellis |
6 | Ivette Corredero |
7 | Erika Landin |
8 | Daniele Donato |
9 | Ryan Quicksall |
10 | Memphis Garrett |
11 | Natalie Martinez |
12 | Lane Elenburg |
13 | Porsche Briggs |
14 | Dan Gheesling |
15 | GinaMarie Zimmerman |
16 | Cody Calafiore |
17 | Liz Nolan |
18 | Paul Abrahamian |
OTT | Jason Roy |
19 | Paul Abrahamian |
20 | Tyler Crispen |
21 | Holly Allen |
22 | Enzo Palumbo |
23 | Derek Frazier |
24 | Monte Taylor |
Let us know through comments whose your favorite from the above list.
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